Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Bring me more wine!

Today's lesson?  That my ovaries like a full-bodied cabernet sauvignon at least as much as they like huge doses of Gonal F and old nun pee.  

After 7 days of stims, we've gone from three contenders to six.  Four follicles on the right between 10 and 12mm, with lazy lefty (strange, because it's usually my powerhouse ovary) contributing a 10mm and a 7mm.  My estrogen is continuing to rise nicely and is now sitting over 1800.

You know what that means, don't you?  It means that ALL THE DOCTORS ARE WRONG and you should TOTALLY BOOZE IT UP while you're stimming.

Or not.  I dunno.  Stop looking at me like that.  I didn't go to med school. 

Next stim check is Thursday morning.  Until then, from my ovaries to yours, cheers!


  1. Great news & great new protocol! Keep them growing :)

  2. When I attended the Infertility Conference, the douche-y RE (the one who would have hired an applicant had he known that she was pregnant herself) really challenged other REs on the lack of evidence supporting a lot of the "don't do this" restrictions during stimming and post transfer time. He actually sounded really compasionate, noting that women go though a physicially and emotionally painful and stressful process during stimming and retrieval, then they can't exercise, they can't have sex [post transfer] and (his words) "are we to deny them a Margarita as well?" Personally, I think the cabernet will yield some pretty mellow babies!

  3. Woohoo!! Don't you just love that?!

  4. Good job, ovaries! I definitely think the wine helped.

  5. So your ovaries just needed to be wined and dined a little, I guess.

  6. I don't drink alcohol, but this is a good reason to start. Yes!!!

  7. Yay! I'm so glad a few more follies have joined in the race! Keep 'em growing! Crossing my fingers for a good check on Thursday with maybe even one or two more? Hey, we can always hope, right?

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