Thursday, 5 September 2013

Where the hell did YOU come from?

At every monitoring appointment so far this cycle, the various ultrasound techs have all counted eight follicles.  Four on each ovary.

Today, seemingly out of nowhere, four more follicles showed up.  While most of them are not really measurable, one of them appears to have gone from not existing at all to being 12mm big in the space of two days.  How does that even happen??  I now have seven follicles in the running between 12 to 16mm, with five (FIVE!) on the right and two on the left.

At first I was like:

But then I:

Of course this is the point where the little bird named Hope starts fluttering its wings and trying to take flight, and I'm forced to pluck some of its feathers to stop it from getting off the ground.  Getting seven eggs would be great, yes.  But it's not guaranteed.  And even if it was, we still have that whole 50% fertilization rate hurdle to jump.

Oh, screw it.  Keep dancing, boys.  Two more days of stims, back in on Saturday.


  1. Wonderful news!! Thinking good thoughts for you.

  2. Way to go, follies! Keep on dancin', girl!

  3. Woot woot! Our bodies always seize to amaze us!!

  4. I have never seen Supernatural, but now I'm curious to know what this show is all about...

  5. Yesss!!!
    One step at time. It's so much fun.

  6. This gives hope to all of us!


  7. Woot woot - that is awesome! The doctor is Vegas told me that could happen and I never believed him. Well well. Wishing you all the best, grow follies grow!

  8. Yay!!!!!! Out if nowhere comes more follies. Great news today!

  9. That is FANTASTIC news! Looks like this cycle is improving daily!

  10. Woo hoo!!!!! How exciting!!! So happy for you, you deserve good news :)

  11. Yeah, yeah! I'm doing some weird, awkward dances for you. My coworkers are getting nervous. They are quite physical and emotive.

  12. Let's go follies! Grow, grow, grow! (to be read in the form of a cheer, btw. No where did I put those pom poms...)

  13. Good job follies! Rooting for great embryos!

  14. GAHHH!!!! Crap, look what happens when I stop paying attention to the blogosphere for a couple weeks -- all your follies come out to play! Omg wait... maybe this is a sign. What if my reading your blog somehow stops your follicles from growing now? Shit. OK. I'm gonna close my eyes and not visit you for a little while and then very silently check in and hope that more good news awaits. *Walks backwards through door and quietly shuts it*

  15. This is a solid start, my friend. Also, YeahScience is hilarious up there. She better back off for a little while. We can't have her JINXING it.

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